

My latest favourite ingredient Spekboom is my latest favourite ingredient thanks to Chef Kerry Kilpin from Tryn, Steenberg Wine Farm’s signature restaurant. I’ve always been hesitant to cook with Spekboom, probably just because I don’t know how. The time at home...
Scriptures for uncertain times

Scriptures for uncertain times

Here are some scriptures I’ve come across for when I feel scared, alone, uncertain, tired or hopeless. I hope it could mean something to you. Let me know if it does! During these uncertain times, there is only one Person we could really turn to and that is God. Who...
WIN your favourite leopard print top

WIN your favourite leopard print top

COMPETITION CLOSED You can be the lucky winner of this beautiful leopard print top, valued at R710. Want one? We’re giving away one of these tops in collaboration with Hummingbird Apparel and you can stand a chance to win. How? To enter: Let us know where you will be...
Win an Online Style Consultation

Win an Online Style Consultation

You can be one of two lucky readers to win an online style consultation to the value of R1080.00 with Alive & Balanced! To enter: Follow Suitcase & Chardonnay on Facebook and Instagram and Alive & Balanced on Facebook and Instagram.Share the competition to...