In the fast-paced digital age, where screens are an integral part of daily life, reading a physical book, magazine or newspaper might seem like a thing of the past. I am, however, still old-school and I absolutely love the smell of a freshly printed magazine, or a...
MUNKUS, a prominent luxury South African apparel brand, has just clinched the esteemed Trans-seasonal Award at the Twyg Sustainable Fashion Awards. Sponsored by none other than Country Road, this accolade is among the most coveted at the annual event, recognising...
If you’re a lover of fashion like me, you want to look chic no matter where you are – whether it’s at home or on safari. And, while looking chic is one thing, to shop sustainably is a whole other ball game. Carli Heystek from StyleCraft shared some local brands...
Shopping sustainably has become a hot topic of discussion and a preference to many a shopper, although it’s not necessarily that easy. Still, many are leaning toward sustainable fashion, with a safari being the one thing that might just convince them to convert....
Since I’ve recently thrown out half – no, three quarters – of my wardrobe, there is a lot of room for new fashion items. The secret is to go at it slowly, thoughtfully, and sustainably as that was what the whole exercise of throwing out was all about. Still, I have...
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