Seeing the excitement and nerves on the Boer Soek ‘n Vrou farmers’ faces as their trios of admirers finally arrived on the respective farms, was priceless. But, for one of the farmers the women’s arrival came with more nerves and tension than he’d hoped for…...
Five minutes can be long, but it can also be too short. Last night, kykNET’s Boer Soek ’n Vrou farmers got five minutes with each of the ten girls they chose from the letters received, and wow, did they have to choose five fast. Yup, after chatting to each of...
Last night saw Marciel Hopkins deliver all the Boer Soek ‘n Vrou farmers’ letters to them and while some can now take their time and contact the women who wrote to them on their own, some have been summoned to choose ten women they’d like to meet...
I have a confession. I always thought I would marry a farmer one day. Probably because I grew up in a small town in the Free State and never even imagined anything beyond the province’s borders. (I didn’t marry a farmer, though. God had other plans and...
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