When it comes to planning for the year ahead, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to fall into place come January. In our case, our daughter is starting Grade 1, Suitcase & Chardonnay has some significant milestones to reach in 2025,...
In the fast-paced digital age, where screens are an integral part of daily life, reading a physical book, magazine or newspaper might seem like a thing of the past. I am, however, still old-school and I absolutely love the smell of a freshly printed magazine, or a...
A luxury safari often has dreamy sunsets, romantic boma dinners, peaceful game drives and blissful sunrises attached to it. That’s until kids become part of the picture and you need to exchange romantic getaways for well-planned family holidays. We’ve...
2020 has been a whirlwind of a year and as we stand at the end of it, it’s time to let go, to heal, to regroup and to prepare for a new year; a new normal. Travelling as a couple might just allow you to do that and more. Here are my 5 top reasons why. I’ve...
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